The Environmental Technology fine bubble aeration system uses our model 130-S membrane air diffuser. The membrane diffusesr is a fine bubble system which has all of the advantages of a higher oxygen transfer efficiency. The major advantages of this diffuser are its trouble free operation with low maintenance and ease of installation. It can also be used in ice melting applications.

Fine Bubble Aeration Packages

fine bubble aeration package.
The Environmental Technology fine bubble aeration system uses our model 130 membrane air diffuser. The membrane diffusesr is a fine bubble system which has all of the advantages of a higher oxygen transfer efficiency. The major advantages of this diffuser are its trouble free operation with low maintenance and ease of installation. It can also be used in ice melting applications.

Each System Below Comes Standard with the Following Items:

Air Compressor; 130 Membrane Air Diffuser with Check Valve; Underwater Air Distribution Manifold; L5 Self-Sinking Air Line; Tubing Connectors and Clamps.

Low Pressure (0-10 psi) Rotary Vane Compressor Aeration Packages:

Part # Air Compressor Voltage CFM@
5 psi
Diffusers Air Line Pond Size
FBV14 1/4 hp Rotary Vane 115/230 4.4 2 250' up to 1 acre
FBV34 3/4 hp Rotary Vane 115/230 9.5 3 500' 1 - 3 acres
FBV1 1  hp Rotary Vane 115/230 11.9 4 750' 2 - 4 acres

Rotary Vane air compressors are low pressure, and can only operate in water depths of 12' or lower. The Rotary Vane air compressor does require a shelter, which you can find by clicking here.

High Pressure (0-50 psi) Rocking Piston Compressor Aeration Packages:

Part #      Air Compressor       Voltage CFM@
20 psi
Diffusers Air Line Pond Size
FBP14 1/4 hp Piston Comp.     115/230 2.9 1 125' up to 1/4 acre
FBP12 1/2 hp Piston Comp. 115/230 4.2 2 250' up to 1 acre
FBP34 3/4 hp Piston Comp. 115/230 6.4 3 500' 1 - 2 acres
FBP2   (2) 3/4 hp Piston Comp. 115/230 12.8 5 1000' 2 - 4 acres

Rocking Piston air compressors are mediuim pressure, and can operate in water depths of 50' or lower. The Rocking Piston air compressor requires a shelter, which you can find by clicking here.

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